Powershell Script to Query for Bitlocker Keys in Active Directory

In my organization, we are using Bitlocker to encrypt Windows 7 computers. We are storing the recovery keys in Active Directory, this stores the key as an attribute of the computer object. I recently wanted to generate a report of the bitlocker status of the computer objects in AD. I found out I could do this pretty easily in Powershell, and thought I would document that here.  My inspiration for this script came from this Technet Gallery script

To start, we need the Quest ActiveRoles Management Shell for for Active Directory.   This is available for free from Quest and can be downloaded from here.  This should be downloaded and installed on the workstation that is going to be used to run the script.  With this installed, we are ready to take a look at the script.

# Check to make sure the path has been specified otherwise display a message and exit the script
if (!$CsvFilePath) {
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Path not not specified!"
Write-Host "Please specify the path for the output as a parameter e.g. : "
Write-Host ".\Get-BitlockerComputerReport.ps1 """c:\reports\BitlockerReport.csv""""

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HTA Script for Mapping Network Drives

I had a need for a user friendly Windows script to map network drives using credentials supplied by the user.  The script I endend up with is an HTA script that allows the user to enter their credentials and map a predefined set of network drives.  There is also a button to disconnect the mapped drives.

The script is here : https://github.com/vmiller/ConnectDrives

<!-- HTA script to allow machines that are not joined to a domain to access
     Windows file shares with domain credentials. It will atomatically prepend the
     domain to the username and then map several drives. If a drive is already
     mapped, it is disconnected and then mapped for the current user.
     Version 1.0.2
     Written by Vaughn Miller 7/20/2012
     Currently setup to map the following drives :
     M: = \\gonzo.ad.messiah.edu\dept
     O: = \\gonzo.ad.messiah.edu\users
     W: = \\mcweb\messiahweb

<TITLE>Connect Network Drives</title>


' *** Define Drive Mappings ***
dim arrDrives(2,2)
intMaxdrives = 2

arrDrives(0,0) = "M:"
arrDrives(0,1) = "\\gonzo.ad.messiah.edu\dept"
arrDrives(0,2) = "Dept"

arrDrives(1,0) = "O:"
arrDrives(1,1) = "\\gonzo.ad.messiah.edu\users"
arrDrives(1,2) = "Users"

arrDrives(2,0) = "W:"
arrDrives(2,1) = "\\mcweb\messiahweb"
arrDrives(2,2) = "messiahweb"
' *** End Drive Map Definitions ***

strDOMAIN = "messiah\" 'Domain to prepend to the username

Sub Window_Onload
  '# Size Window
  sHorizontal = 440
  sVertical = 175
  Window.resizeTo sHorizontal, sVertical
  '# Get Monitor Details
  Set objWMIService = GetObject _
  intHorizontal = sHorizontal *2
  intVertical = sVertical *2
  Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery( _
    "Select ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight from" _
    & " Win32_DesktopMonitor", , 48)
  For Each objItem In colItems
    sWidth= objItem.ScreenWidth
    sHeight = objItem.ScreenHeight
    If sWidth > sHorizontal _
      then intHorizontal = sWidth
    If sHeight > sVertical _
      then intVertical = sHeight
  Set objWMIService = Nothing
  '# Center window on the screen
  intLeft = (intHorizontal - sHorizontal) /2
  intTop = (intVertical - sVertical) /2
  Window.moveTo intLeft, intTop
  '# default window content
End Sub

Sub RunScript
   on Error Resume Next

   minUSRnamelength = 2
   minPASSwrdlength = 3

   strUsr = UsrnameArea.Value
   strPas = PasswordArea.Value

   Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
   Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

   If Len(strUsr) >= minUSRnamelength then
      strUsr = strDOMAIN & UCase(strUsr) '<--- adds the domain before the username

      if Len(strPas) >= minPASSwrdlength Then
         Call ClearDrives ' Delete existing mappings if they exist
         '***** Begin Drive mapping *****
         For n = 0 To intMaxDrives 'Loop through our array of drives
            objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive arrDrives(n,0), arrDrives(n,1), False, strUsr, strPas
            If Err.Number = 0 Then
               oShell.NameSpace(arrDrives(n,0)).Self.Name = arrDrives(n,2)
            End If
         '***** End Drive Mapping *****
            Msgbox chr(34) & strPas & """ is an incorrect password !"
            Exit Sub
         End If
      Msgbox chr(34) & strUsr & """ is an incorrect Username !"
      Exit Sub
   End If
    ' Clean up the objects before exiting
   Set oShell = Nothing
   Set objNetwork = Nothing
End Sub

Sub ClearDrives ' Sub Routine to remove the drives if they are already mapped
  On Error Resume Next
  Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")

  '***** Begin section to delete drive mappings ***
  Set AllDrives = objNetwork.EnumNetworkDrives
  For n = 0 To intMaxDrives 'Loop through our array of drives
     For i = 0 To AllDrives.Count - 1 Step 2
        If AllDrives.Item(i) = arrDrives(n,0) Then AlreadyConnected = True
     If AlreadyConnected = True then
        objNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive arrDrives(n,0), True, True
     End If
  '***** End section to delete drive mappings
End Sub

Sub DisconnectDrives ' Calls ClearDrives subroutine and then closes the window
Call ClearDrives
    Set oShell = Nothing
    Set objNetwork = Nothing
End Sub

Sub CancelScript
   Set oShell = Nothing
   Set objNetwork = Nothing
End Sub


<BODY STYLE="font:14 pt arial; color:white; filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=1, StartColorStr='#000000', EndColorStr='#0000FF')">
<a name="Top"></a><CENTER>
  <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><font size="2" color="black" face="Arial">
      <td height="30">
        <p align="right">Your Username</p>
      <td height="30">&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="text" name="UsrnameArea" size="30"></td></tr>
      <td height="30">
        <p align="right">Password</p>
      <td height="30">&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="password" name="PasswordArea" size="30"></td></tr>
<HR color="#0000FF">
 <Input id=runbutton class="button" type="button" value=" Map Drives " name="run_button" onClick="RunScript">
 <Input id=runbutton class="button" type="button" value=" Disconnect Drives " name="dis_button" onClick="DisconnectDrives">
 <Input id=runbutton class="button" type="button" value="Cancel" name="cancel_button" onClick="CancelScript">


The drive definitions are coded in an array so that the mapping and disconnecting subroutines can use a loop. To modify this for your own use, you need to modify strDomain (line 50) and the drive definitions (lines 33-48).

I think a nice revision of this script would be to design it to read a configuration file for the domain info and drive definitions. This was one motivation for implementing the array/loop structure.